<p>Alice and Bob are playing a game that consists of <code>n</code> levels. Some of the levels in the game are <strong>impossible</strong> to clear while others can <strong>always</strong> be cleared. In particular, if <code>possible[i] == 0</code>, then the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> level is <strong>impossible</strong> to clear for <strong>both</strong> the players. A player gains <code>1</code> point on clearing a level and loses <code>1</code> point if the player fails to clear it.</p>
<p>At the start of the game, Alice will play some levels in the <strong>given order</strong> starting from the <code>0<sup>th</sup></code> level, after which Bob will play for the rest of the levels.</p>
<p>Alice wants to know the <strong>minimum</strong> number of levels she should play to gain more points than Bob, if both players play optimally to <strong>maximize</strong> their points.</p>
<p>Return <em>the <strong>minimum</strong> number of levels Alice should play to gain more points</em>. <em>If this is <strong>not</strong> possible, return</em><code>-1</code>.</p>
<p>The only possible way is for both players to play 1 level each. Alice plays level 0 and loses 1 point. Bob plays level 1 and loses 1 point. As both players have equal points, Alice can't gain more points than Bob.</p>