<p>A password is said to be <strong>strong</strong> if it satisfies all the following criteria:</p>
<li>It has at least <code>8</code> characters.</li>
<li>It contains at least <strong>one lowercase</strong> letter.</li>
<li>It contains at least <strong>one uppercase</strong> letter.</li>
<li>It contains at least <strong>one digit</strong>.</li>
<li>It contains at least <strong>one special character</strong>. The special characters are the characters in the following string: <code>"!@#$%^&*()-+"</code>.</li>
<li>It does <strong>not</strong> contain <code>2</code> of the same character in adjacent positions (i.e., <code>"aab"</code> violates this condition, but <code>"aba"</code> does not).</li>
<p>Given a string <code>password</code>, return <code>true</code><em> if it is a <strong>strong</strong> password</em>. Otherwise, return <code>false</code>.</p>
<strong>Explanation:</strong> The password does not contain a digit and also contains 2 of the same character in adjacent positions. Therefore, we return false.