<p>You are given three strings: <code>s1</code>, <code>s2</code>, and <code>s3</code>. In one operation you can choose one of these strings and delete its <strong>rightmost</strong> character. Note that you <strong>cannot</strong> completely empty a string.</p>
<p>Return the <em>minimum number of operations</em> required to make the strings equal<em>. </em>If it is impossible to make them equal, return <code>-1</code>.</p>
<p><strong>Explanation: </strong>Deleting the rightmost character from both <code>s1</code> and <code>s2</code> will result in three equal strings.</p>
<li><fontface="monospace"><code>s1</code>,</font><code><fontface="monospace">s2</font></code><fontface="monospace"> and</font><code><fontface="monospace">s3</font></code> consist only of lowercase English letters.</li>