<p>You are given a <strong>0-indexed</strong> string <code>s</code> and are tasked with finding two <strong>non-intersecting palindromic </strong>substrings of <strong>odd</strong> length such that the product of their lengths is maximized.</p>
<p>More formally, you want to choose four integers <code>i</code>, <code>j</code>, <code>k</code>, <code>l</code> such that <code>0 <= i <= j < k <= l < s.length</code> and both the substrings <code>s[i...j]</code> and <code>s[k...l]</code> are palindromes and have odd lengths. <code>s[i...j]</code> denotes a substring from index <code>i</code> to index <code>j</code><strong>inclusive</strong>.</p>
<p>Return <em>the <strong>maximum</strong> possible product of the lengths of the two non-intersecting palindromic substrings.</em></p>
<p>A <strong>palindrome</strong> is a string that is the same forward and backward. A <strong>substring</strong> is a contiguous sequence of characters in a string.</p>