<p>There is an undirected tree with <code>n</code> nodes labeled from <code>0</code> to <code>n - 1</code> and <code>n - 1</code> edges.</p>
<p>You are given a 2D integer array <code>edges</code> of length <code>n - 1</code> where <code>edges[i] = [a<sub>i</sub>, b<sub>i</sub>]</code> indicates that there is an edge between nodes <code>a<sub>i</sub></code> and <code>b<sub>i</sub></code> in the tree. You are also given an integer array <code>restricted</code> which represents <strong>restricted</strong> nodes.</p>
<p>Return <em>the <strong>maximum</strong> number of nodes you can reach from node </em><code>0</code><em> without visiting a restricted node.</em></p>
<p>Note that node <code>0</code> will <strong>not</strong> be a restricted node.</p>