<p>You are given two strings <code>start</code> and <code>target</code>, both of length <code>n</code>. Each string consists <strong>only</strong> of the characters <code>'L'</code>, <code>'R'</code>, and <code>'_'</code> where:</p>
<li>The characters <code>'L'</code> and <code>'R'</code> represent pieces, where a piece <code>'L'</code> can move to the <strong>left</strong> only if there is a <strong>blank</strong> space directly to its left, and a piece <code>'R'</code> can move to the <strong>right</strong> only if there is a <strong>blank</strong> space directly to its right.</li>
<li>The character <code>'_'</code> represents a blank space that can be occupied by <strong>any</strong> of the <code>'L'</code> or <code>'R'</code> pieces.</li>
<p>Return <code>true</code><em>if it is possible to obtain the string</em><code>target</code><em> by moving the pieces of the string </em><code>start</code><em><strong>any</strong> number of times</em>. Otherwise, return <code>false</code>.</p>
<strong>Explanation:</strong> The piece in the string start can move only to the right, so it is impossible to obtain the string target from start.</pre>
<li><code>1 <= n <= 10<sup>5</sup></code></li>
<li><code>start</code> and <code>target</code> consist of the characters <code>'L'</code>, <code>'R'</code>, and <code>'_'</code>.</li>