<p>You and a gang of thieves are planning on robbing a bank. You are given a <strong>0-indexed</strong> integer array <code>security</code>, where <code>security[i]</code> is the number of guards on duty on the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> day. The days are numbered starting from <code>0</code>. You are also given an integer <code>time</code>.</p>
<p>The <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> day is a good day to rob the bank if:</p>
<li>There are at least <code>time</code> days before and after the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> day,</li>
<li>The number of guards at the bank for the <code>time</code> days <strong>before</strong><code>i</code> are <strong>non-increasing</strong>, and</li>
<li>The number of guards at the bank for the <code>time</code> days <strong>after</strong><code>i</code> are <strong>non-decreasing</strong>.</li>
<p>More formally, this means day <code>i</code> is a good day to rob the bank if and only if <code>security[i - time] >= security[i - time + 1] >= ... >= security[i] <= ... <= security[i + time - 1] <= security[i + time]</code>.</p>
<p>Return <em>a list of <strong>all</strong> days <strong>(0-indexed) </strong>that are good days to rob the bank</em>.<em> The order that the days are returned in does<strong></strong><strong>not</strong> matter.</em></p>