<p>You are given two <code>m x n</code> binary matrices <code>grid1</code> and <code>grid2</code> containing only <code>0</code>'s (representing water) and <code>1</code>'s (representing land). An <strong>island</strong> is a group of <code>1</code>'s connected <strong>4-directionally</strong> (horizontal or vertical). Any cells outside of the grid are considered water cells.</p>
<p>An island in <code>grid2</code> is considered a <strong>sub-island </strong>if there is an island in <code>grid1</code> that contains <strong>all</strong> the cells that make up <strong>this</strong> island in <code>grid2</code>.</p>
<p>Return the <em><strong>number</strong> of islands in </em><code>grid2</code><em>that are considered <strong>sub-islands</strong></em>.</p>