<p>Given two strings <code>s</code> and <code>t</code>, transform string <code>s</code> into string <code>t</code> using the following operation any number of times:</p>
<li>Choose a <strong>non-empty</strong> substring in <code>s</code> and sort it in place so the characters are in <strong>ascending order</strong>.
<li>For example, applying the operation on the underlined substring in <code>"1<u>4234</u>"</code> results in <code>"1<u>2344</u>"</code>.</li>
<p>Return <code>true</code> if <em>it is possible to transform <code>s</code> into <code>t</code></em>. Otherwise, return <code>false</code>.</p>
<p>A <strong>substring</strong> is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string.</p>