<p>You are given an integer array <code>digits</code>, where each element is a digit. The array may contain duplicates.</p>
<p>You need to find <strong>all</strong> the <strong>unique</strong> integers that follow the given requirements:</p>
<li>The integer consists of the <strong>concatenation</strong> of <strong>three</strong> elements from <code>digits</code> in <strong>any</strong> arbitrary order.</li>
<li>The integer does not have <strong>leading zeros</strong>.</li>
<li>The integer is <strong>even</strong>.</li>
<p>For example, if the given <code>digits</code> were <code>[1, 2, 3]</code>, integers <code>132</code> and <code>312</code> follow the requirements.</p>
<p>Return <em>a <strong>sorted</strong> array of the unique integers.</em></p>