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// 注册右键菜单
id: 'bitdance-advanced-search',
title: '高级搜索',
parentId: 'bitdance',
onclick: function (info) {
alert('当前菜单信息:' + JSON.stringify(info))
alert("[BitDance extension] 学生助手插件 - 高级搜索 已点击菜单")
* ss 的寓意
* - 搜索 (sou suo)
* - 超级搜索 (super search)
* - 智慧搜索 (smart search)
* - 洞见搜索 (sagacious search)
* - 流畅搜索 (smooth search)
* - 安全搜索 (safe search)
* 当然还有...
* - 简单搜索 (simple search)
* - 愚蠢搜索 (stupid search)
* 即使有上面那么多的功能,但我们不往初心,
* - 开创探索 (seminal search)
* - 启航 (set sail)
* 将 & < > 等特殊字符转义,但保留中文不进行转义
* 测试通过: [ re 百度&nbsp;<>!@#$%%^&*()_+-=[]{}|\:;'",./? ]
* refer: https://www.javaroad.cn/questions/108186
* @param string str
* @returns
var holder = document.createElement('div');
function encodeXML(str) {
// var holder = document.createElement('div');
holder.textContent = str;
return holder.innerHTML;
* refer:
* GitHub demo: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samples/tree/main/mv2-archive/extensions/chrome_search
* Blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/cc11001100/p/12353361.html
// 支持的搜索方式,第一位保留为默认搜索方式(文字)
var omniboxSearchModes = [
key: "",
showText: "文字"
key: "yn",
showText: "网页内搜索",
match: function (text) {
return /^yn( |:|\uff1a)?/.test(text)
getInputText: function (text, encodeText = true) {
let returnText = /^yn(:| |\uff1a)?(.*)$/.exec(text)[2].trim()
return encodeText ? encodeXML(returnText) : returnText
key: "re",
showText: "网页内正则表达式搜索",
match: function (text) {
return /^re( |:|\uff1a)?/.test(text)
getInputText: function (text, encodeText = true) {
let returnText = /^re(:| |\uff1a)?(.*)$/.exec(text)[2].trim()
return encodeText ? encodeXML(returnText) : returnText
key: "img",
showText: "图片搜索",
match: function (text) {
return /^img( |:|\uff1a)?/.test(text)
getInputText: function (text, encodeText = true) {
let returnText = /^img(:| |\uff1a)?(.*)$/.exec(text)[2].trim()
return encodeText ? encodeXML(returnText) : returnText
key: "boss",
showText: "老板键",
match: function (text) {
return text.trim() == "boss"
getInputText: (text) => ""
// 当前匹配的搜索模式的下标
var currentSearchModeIndex = 0;
// 当前正在向服务端进行的请求
var currentRequest = null;
// 输入框文本改变事件
function (text, suggest) {
// 停止上一次搜索行为
if (currentRequest != null) {
currentRequest.onreadystatechange = null;
currentRequest = null;
// 更新输入框回显提示信息
// 如果啥也没有输入就返回
if (text.trim() == '')
// 访问后台完成搜索建议获取(传入搜索文字及回调函数)
// 获得搜索建议后,执行以下回调函数
currentRequest = search(text, function (xml) {
var results = [];
var entries = xml.getElementsByTagName("entry");
for (var i = 0, entry; i < 5 && (entry = entries[i]); i++) {
var path = entry.getElementsByTagName("file")[0].getAttribute("name");
var line =
var file = path.split("/").pop();
var description = '<url>' + file + '</url>';
if (/^file:/.test(text)) {
description += ' <dim>' + path + '</dim>';
} else {
var content = entry.getElementsByTagName("content")[0].textContent;
// There can be multiple lines. Kill all the ones except the one that
// contains the first match. We can ocassionally fail to find a single
// line that matches, so we still handle multiple lines below.
var matches = content.split(/\n/);
for (var j = 0, match; match = matches[j]; j++) {
if (match.indexOf('<b>') > -1) {
content = match;
// Replace any extraneous whitespace to make it look nicer.
content = content.replace(/[\n\t]/g, ' ');
content = content.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
// Codesearch wraps the result in <pre> tags. Remove those if they're
// still there.
content = content.replace(/<\/?pre>/g, '');
// Codesearch highlights the matches with 'b' tags. Replaces those
// with 'match'.
content = content.replace(/<(\/)?b>/g, '<$1match>');
description += ' ' + content;
content: path + '@' + line,
description: description
* 更新下拉框中提示
* @param String text 用户输入文本
function updateDefaultSuggestion(text) {
var description = [
'<dim> [ </dim>',
'' /* 文字搜索 显示文字占位 */
// 如果用户输入不为空,先假设为文字搜索,如果后面匹配上了其他搜索方式,则更新
let isPlaintext = !!text.trim().length;
currentSearchModeIndex = 0; // 初始化搜索方式下标s
// 默认第 0 个为文字搜索,除此之外的搜索方式如果都没有匹配到,则显示文字搜索
for (var i = 1, keyword; i < omniboxSearchModes.length && (keyword = omniboxSearchModes[i]); i++) {
// 分隔符
description.push('<dim> \| </dim>');
// 通过用户输入文本匹配搜索方式
if (keyword.match(text)) {
// 是当前这种搜索模式
isPlaintext = false; // 说明不是文字搜索
currentSearchModeIndex = i; // 记录当前搜索模式的下标
description.push('<match>' + keyword.showText + '' + keyword.getInputText(text) + '</match>');
} else {
// 不是当前这种搜索模式
description.push('<dim>' + keyword.key + ": " + keyword.showText + '</dim>');
description.push('<dim> ] </dim>');
description[2] = isPlaintext ? ('<match>' + text.trim() + '</match>') : ('<dim>' + omniboxSearchModes[0].showText + '</dim>');
description: description.join('')
// var isRegex = /^re:/.test(text);
// var isFile = /^file:/.test(text);
// var isHalp = (text == 'halp');
// var isPlaintext = text.length && !isRegex && !isFile && !isHalp;
// var description = '<match><url>搜索方式</url></match><dim> [ </dim>';
// description += isPlaintext ? ('<match>' + text + '</match>') : '文字';
// description += '<dim> | </dim>';
// description += isRegex ? ('<match>' + text + '</match>') : 're: 正则';
// description += '<dim> | </dim>';
// description += isFile ? ('<match>' + text + '</match>') : 'file:文件';
// description += '<dim> | </dim>';
// description += isHalp ? '<match>halp</match>' : 'halp';
// description += '<dim> ]</dim>';
// chrome.omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion({
// description: description
// });
* 用户开始输入文本
chrome.omnibox.onInputStarted.addListener(function () {
* 搜索框失去焦点
chrome.omnibox.onInputCancelled.addListener(function () {
* 执行搜索
* @param {*} query
* @param {*} callback
* @returns
function search(query, callback) {
if (/^re:/.test(query))
query = query.substring('re:'.length);
else if (/^file:/.test(query))
query = 'file:"' + query.substring('file:'.length) + '"';
query = '"' + query + '"';
var url = "https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#search/&type=cs&q=" + query +
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", url, true);
req.setRequestHeader("GData-Version", "2");
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
return req;
* 将当前标签页导航到指定Url / 或者新建标签页
* @param String url 要导航到的url
* @param bool newTab 是否打开新标签页
function navigate(url, newTab = false) {
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
if (!newTab) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, { url: url });
} else {
chrome.tabs.create({ url: url });
* 用户输入完成,按下回车键
chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener(function (text) {
navigate("https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=" + text)
if (/@\d+\b/.test(text)) {
var chunks = text.split('@');
var path = chunks[0];
var line = chunks[1];
navigate(getUrl(path, line));
} else if (text == 'halp') {
// TODO(aa)
} else {
navigate("https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#search/&type=cs" +
"&q=" + text +